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来源:网络   发布时间:2025-01-06   浏览次数:216


Hogwarts 霍格沃茨

The very first shot of the new trailergives us a glimpse of that beloved castle – so we can safely assume we will bestepping into the halls of Hogwarts once again, like we did in FantasticBeasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. What mysteries await us behind those castlewalls this time?


The two Albus Dumbledores! 两个阿不思·邓布利多!

This was a pleasant surprise – while weexpected to see the younger Dumbledore feature in this film (the title doesinclude his name after all), it was fun to see the Albus Dumbledore that we allrecognise from the Harry Potter films too. It was interesting to see the wizardhe is and the wizard he eventually becomes. And of course – the beardprogression!


Hogsmeade! 霍格莫德村!

We would recognise those slopingsnow-capped roofs anywhere. Newt and Theseus appear to be making a trip toHogsmeade to find Albus Dumbledore. But why are they meeting him there? Andwill there be Butterbeer?


Is that Aberforth we see? 我们看到的是阿不福思吗?

Newt and Theseus might be looking for AlbusDumbledore, but first they come across another member of the family instead.The inside of that pub looks very like the inside of the Hog’s Head, and we allknow who works there. And as he introduces himself as Dumbledore’s brother, wethink it is safe to assume that this is the one and only Aberforth. Hedefinitely looks more rugged and casual than his older sibling, which is verymuch in keeping with what we already knew about his character. We wonder whatrole he has to play in the story.


Pickett is back! And where are he and Newttrekking?


We are thrilled to see our favouriteBowtruckle is back, and he looks as though he’s thoroughly involved in this newadventure. We briefly see him and his favourite wizard, Newt, trekking throughwhat could be a jungle or a rainforest. What has brought them there? Where arethey going? And why are they all on their own?


Is that Nurmengard? 这是Nurmengard吗?

We briefly saw Nurmengard at the very endof the last film – with Grindelwald, Credence and Queenie all being there. Weknow that before it was a prison, it was a place that Grindelwald inhabited.Will we get to see a little bit more of this sinister structure… and who mightbe inside?


New members of the team! 团队的新成员!

As well as some familiar faces fightingGrindelwald, there are a couple of characters who are new members of that teamtoo! The ‘descendant of a very old wizarding family’, is Leta Lestrange’shalf-brother Yusuf Kama. The witch we see is also somebody we have briefly metbefore in The Crimes of Grindelwald, a professor at Ilvermorny School ofWitchcraft and Wizardry, Eulalie “Lally” Hicks – we expect that she’s no slouchwhen it comes to magic.


Credence (or possibly Aurelius Dumbledore?)has a new look


Is that a phoenix that is flying towardsCredence? Is that a sign that Grindelwald wasn’t lying to him, and he is, infact, Aurelius Dumbledore, as was revealed at the end of the last film?Phoenixes are meant to be drawn to that family. However, all that aside, themost important thing we spy in this clip is Credence’s new hairdo. Just look atthose long, flowing locks! He looks far removed from the scared young man wemet in the first instalment.


Dumbledore holding the blood oath he madewith Grindelwald


We know that Dumbledore was unable to moveagainst Grindelwald because of this blood oath. Luckily Newt’s resourcefulNiffler managed to swipe it from the Dark wizard at the end of the last film.Can Dumbledore destroy it? Does he even want to? And if he does, will he bewilling to go up against someone he once cared so deeply for?


Jacob with a wand! 拿着魔杖的雅各布!

Our favourite Muggle has a wand! It can’tbe real… can it? However, he does seem to be wielding it. While we know thatDumbledore asked Newt to give it to him – we don’t know the reason behind thatdecision. He also appears to be going up against Queenie – but is he fightingher or trying to get closer to her? Surely, he’s not casting ‘Accio Queenie’!Whatever is going on, he doesn’t look very happy about the situation.



