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来源:网络   发布时间:2025-01-06   浏览次数:155

Harry Potter alum Katie Leung was advisedby the film's publicists to deny the existence of racist backlash after she wascast to play Cho Chang.


In a recent interview, Harry Potter alumKatie Leung reveals that she was directed to refute the existence of racistbacklash after she was cast to play the character, Cho Chang. Leung joined thewildly popular franchise in the fourth installment. Harry Potter and the Gobletof Fire, which premiered in 2005, introduced new love interests for many of themain characters, including Harry, who nursed a crush on the beautiful, popularCho Chang. Leung later reprised her role in the final few Harry Potter films,often appearing as a recurring character that intermittently interacted withthe core cast.


Leung, a Scottish native of Chinesedescent, was originally cast at sixteen for the role. Soon after, U.K. tabloidsleaked the casting news, inciting a dark feeding frenzy online. Hatefulcomments flooded Harry Potter fan sites, bullying Leung for her looks and herethnicity. Many fans condemned the young actress, arguing that she did notaccurately embody the fictional character, Cho Chang. Over the years, criticson the opposite spectrum of the Harry Potter franchise have often pointed outthe ways in which the series fails to properly provide adequate racialrepresentation.


While a guest on the Chinese Chippy GirlPodcast, Leung described the traumatic aftermath of the sustainedcyberbullying, saying, "I was like, Googling myself at one point and I wason this website which was dedicated to kind of Harry Potter fandom and Iremember reading all the comments. It was a lot of racist sh**t…" Sheeventually met with publicists and asked for advice on how to handle thesituation. As she shared, they failed to provide her with adequate support, andinstead guided her to deny any and all claims of racist criticism:

I didn't get any kind of interview, mediatraining before I was doing these interviews and I remember them saying to me,'Oh look, Katie, we haven't seen these websites that people are talking aboutand if you get asked, then just say it's not true. Say it's nothappening'...and I just nodded my head. I was like, 'OK, OK,' even though I hadseen it myself with my own eyes. I was like, OK, yeah, I'll just sayeverything's great.


According to Leung, she struggled with thecontradictory reality of acquiring her dream role while also confronting adeeply negative online response, explaining, "Of course, I was grateful. Iwas really very f**king grateful that I was in the position I was in…I keepsaying, like, oh I wish I'd maybe said something. But you can't do that."Leung also added that even a hate site was created for users to click a buttonshowing that they disagreed with the casting.

When it comes to confronting racism withinthe entertainment industry, Hollywood all too often turns a blind eye,essentially abandoning those who have the most to lose, particularly in termsof project opportunities. While Leung survived the ordeal, and remains proud ofherself for maintaining a calm demeanor while a part of the Harry Potteroeuvre, it is inexcusable that production heads failed to offer any form ofconcrete support or openly condemn the rising swell of racist comments.Considering J.K. Rowling's hateful anti-trans comments online, the shiny legacyof Harry Potter has certainly lost much of its sheen, instead revealing anunderbelly of bias and discrimination that should continue to be acknowledged,rather than hidden away.



